Sariputta | The University of Peace Sariputta

The University of Peace

Master Hsin Tao

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2017-09-12 22:13:15

Everything on this planet has its purpose. The central teaching of the Buddha-dharma is that all phenomena are manifestations of the mind, that everything is conditioned by our thought processes. So by changing the way we think, we can manifest peace in the world. This really works.

The mind is the essence, and great compassion is the function. There is not a single place where the mind does not manifest. Meditation unfolds into bodhicitta, which flowers and bears fruit everywhere, revealing the Avatamsaka Realm. That’s why the bodhisattva Guanyin is said to have two treasures. One is the essence of the mind as expressed through the mantra “om mani padme hum.” The other is the application of this essence of the mind to relieving the suffering of sentient beings, wherever they may be.

After returning to the essential nature of the mind, it’s still necessary to continue cultivating bodhicitta. Otherwise, the practice will be lacking in scope and depth, cut off from the world, making it impossible to bring a Buddha realm to full fruition. Now, we need to transmute bodhicitta into genuine love for peace and the environment, and then link this up with our everyday behavior, with how we actually live. If we can then expand this to the social level, the end result will be a peaceful world. The Avatamsaka Realm illustrates this interdependent nature of all things in the universe, the idea that “The one contains the all, and the all contains the one.”

Everything arises in the mind—emptiness and non-duality

Every seed in the Avatamsaka Realm has its purpose. In the eyes of the Buddha, the universe is flawless and complete; it’s the stage of enlightenment, the Avatamsaka Realm itself. But why doesn’t the average sentient being see this same flawless perfection? Why is there this difference? The Buddha teaches that this is because attachment and delusion distort our vision, obscuring the essential nature of the mind and the Dharma-realm. The Lotus Sutra reveals the wisdom of the Buddha; the Avatamsaka Sutra reveals his majesty. When this attachment and delusion is removed, our inner vision becomes clear, and then we see things clearly.

It’s often said that the four religious teachers who have been most influential throughout history are Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed. Moreover, the traditional cultures of the Far East have long been informed by the concept common to Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism that man is an integral part of nature. This is a type of practical wisdom which begins with the mind and expands outward to encompass the body; it starts with the individual and moves outwards to society. Although human civilization has changed a lot over the centuries, it’s still possible to clearly ascertain how the wisdom of the masters of old is still relevant today as a guide to living a happy and meaningful life, making a positive contribution to society, living in harmony with nature, and bringing peace to the world.

Religion can be seen as a method for cultivating love, peace, and happiness. But we need to ensure that religion plays an active role in the creation of world peace, rather than being misused and turned into a force of division and strife.

Overcoming self-attachment, mobilizing the power of peace

The Buddhist teaching on “not-self” reduces self-attachment and therefore facilitates interreligious dialogue. Due to its emphasis on flexibility and balance, Buddhism can serve as a bridge between different points of view. I used to think about how to bring war to an end, but over the years this hope has evolved into an inner contemplation on how to give impetus to peace. From cultivating inner peace, to establishing organizations dedicated to promoting peaceful coexistence—all this amounts to sowing the seeds of peace. This is how I came up with the idea of the “peace university.”

My every step is guided by the compassion of the Guanyin, the tireless savior of suffering humanity. As the epitome of adaptability, Guanyin’s approach is the most practical and effective in today’s world.

She takes on whatever form is most readily comprehensible and acceptable to whoever is in danger. Energized by my vow to benefit all sentient beings, as long as I am carrying out the work of Guanyin, then she responds and manifests in an appropriate guise.


e University of Peace 

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