Sayadaw Nandasiddhi

Sayadaw Nandasiddhi, chief resident monk of nirodharama meditation centre, is an experienced vipassana meditation master of the present day. In 1999. Sayadaw U Pandita sent him to malaysia to teach meditation. In 2005 Sayadaw established the Nirodharama meditation centre at ayer tawar, perak malaysia, followed by nirodharama at yangon, myanmar in 2013.
Sayadaw is well-learned in buddhist scriptures. In addition to Pali, Sayadaw is fluent in burmese, english and mandarin. He is annually invited to lead Vipassana retreats and novitiate programs in different countries. He has travelled on dharma missions to canada. belgium, france, china, taiwan, macau, indonesia, singapore, borneo east malaysia etc.
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