Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Sphere of Nothingness Sariputta

Sphere of Nothingness

Ākiñcaññ­āyatana (SN 28.7)

1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ...

Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”

7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all the sphere of consciousness and with there is nothing attained to the sphere of nothingness. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, `I attained to the sphere of nothingness, or got up from it'.”

“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, `I attain, or attained to the sphere of nothingness or got up from it'.”

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