Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Neither Perceptive nor Non Perceptive Sariputta

Neither Perceptive nor Non Perceptive

Neva­saññānā­saññāyatana (SN 28.8)

1-6. Sāvatthi. ... re ... Venerable Ānanda saw venerable Sāriputta approaching in the distance and said to him: “Friend Sāriputta, your mental faculties are clear, your face seems clear. In what abiding did you spend the day?”

7-8. “Here, friend, I overcame all the sphere of nothingness and was neither perceptive nor non-perceptive. Yet, friend, it did not occur to me, `I was neither perceptive nor non-perceptive'.”

“Friend Sāriputta, since long your latent tendency of measuring conceitedly has been completely destroyed, therefore it did not occur to you, `I was perceptive or non-perceptive'.”

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