Sariputta | Suttapitaka | These are the foremost Sariputta

These are the foremost

Etadagga (Chaṭṭha Vagga) (AN 1.248–257)

248. Bhikkhus out of my lay disciples the first to take the three refuges are Tapassu and Balluka, the


249. Anāthapiṇḍika, that is the householder Sudatta is the foremost lay devotee.

250. Citta Macchikasandika the householder for explaining the Teaching.

251. Hatthaka Aalavaka to establish liberality, kind speech, leading an useful life and a state of equality among the others.

252. Mahanāma the Sakya is the foremost distinguished devotee.

253. Ugga the householder of Vesāli the most pleasant devotee.

254. Uggata the householder of Hatthigāma for attending on the Community.

255. Surambaṭṭha for reconcillation

256. Jīvaka Komārabhacca for pleasantness to all persons.

257. Nakulapita the householder the best confide

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