Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Wrong Courses (3) Sariputta

Wrong Courses (3)

Agatināgati [Agati 3] (AN 4.19)

“Bhikkhus, there are these four ways of taking a wrong course. What four? One takes a wrong course because of desire … as in 4:17 … These are the four ways of taking a wrong course.

“Bhikkhus, there are these four ways of not taking a wrong course. What four? One does not take a wrong course because of desire … as in 4:18 … These are the four ways of taking a wrong course.”

If through desire, hate, fear, or delusion
one transgresses against the Dhamma,
one’s fame diminishes like the moon
in the dark fortnight.

If one does not transgress the Dhamma
through desire, hate, fear, or delusion,
one’s fame becomes full like the moon
in the bright fortnight.

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