Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Debased Sariputta


Nikaṭṭhapuggala [Nikaṭṭha] (AN 4.138)

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

One with a debased body and not debased mind, one with a not debased body and debased mind, the one with a not debased body and not debased mind and the one with a debased body and debased mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a debased body and not debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person dwells in forests and jungle paths and thinks sensual thoughts, angry thoughts and hurting thoughts. This person has a debased body and a not debased mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a not debased body and debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person does not dwell in forests and jungle paths and thinks non sensual thoughts, non angry thoughts and non hurting thoughts. This person has a not debased body and debsed mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a not debased body and a not debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person does not dwell in forests and jungle paths and thinks sensual thoughts, angry thoughts and hurting thoughts. This person has a not debased body and a not debased mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a debased body and debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person dwells in forests and jungle paths and thinks non sensual thoughts, non angry thoughts and non hurting thoughts. This person has a debased body and debsed mind.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

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