Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Second on ways of expression Sariputta

Second on ways of expression

Vohārapatha 2 [Bālapaṇḍita 7] (AN 4.228)

Bhikkhus, endowed with four things the foolish not Great Man destroys himself, becomes faulty and blamed by the wise accrues much demerit. What four?

The seen he says I did not see, the heard he says I did not hear, the experienced he says I did not experience, the cognized he says I did not cognize.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things, the foolish not Great Man destroys himself, becoming faulty and blamed by the wise accrues much demerit.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things the learned, Great Man does not destroy himself, not becoming faulty and praised by the wise accrues much merit. What four?

The seen he says I saw, the heard he says I heard, the experienced he says I experienced, the cognized he says I cognized.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things the learned, Great Man does not destroy himself, becoming not faulty and praised by the wise accrues much merit.

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