Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Attending on the sick Sariputta

Attending on the sick

Dūpaṭṭhāka­gilāna [Upaṭṭhāka 1] (AN 5.123)

Bhikkhus, a sick one endowed with five things is difficut to attend on. What five?

Does not know the suitable drug and the suitable measure to administer. Does not take the medicine. He does not inform the attendant about the true state of his illness, whether the pains are increasing or decreasing or have stopped. He is not one who endures arisen bodily feelings that are disagreeable, sharp, rough cutting and ending life. Bhikkhus, a sick one endowed with these five things is difficult to attend on.

Bhikkhus, a sick one endowed with five things is easily attended to. What five?

Knows the suitable drug and the suitable measure to administer. Takes the medicine. He informs the attendant about the true state of his illness, whether the pains are increasing or decreasing or have stopped. He is one who endures arisen bodily feelings that are disagreeable, sharp, rough cutting and even ending life. Bhikkhus, a sick one endowed with these five things is easy to attend on.

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