Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Second on the confusion of the Teaching Sariputta

Second on the confusion of the Teaching

Saddhammasammosa 2 (AN 5.155)

Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the confusion and disappearance of the good Teaching. What five?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu does not learn the Teaching in the discourses, in verse and prose sections, in answer-explanation expositions, verses, solemn utterances, Thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and a series of questions and answers. This is the first thing that conduces to the confusion and disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu does not teach with explanations to others the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the second thing that conduces to the confusion and disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu does not repeat with explanations to others the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the third thing that conduces to the confusion and disappearance of the good T eaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu does not recite with explanations to others the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the fourth thing that conduces to the confusion and disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu does not think and think discursively and penetratingly see the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the fifth thing that conduces to the confusion and disappearance of the good Teaching. Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the confusion and disappearance of the good Teaching.

Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the long standing non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching. What five?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu learns the Teaching in the discourses, in verse and prose sections, in answer-explanation expositions, verses, solemn utterances, Thus said sayings, birth stories, wonderful things and a series of questions and answers. This is the first thing that conduces to the long standing non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu teaches with explanations to others the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the second thing that conduces to the long standing non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu repeata with explanations to others the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the third thing that conduces to the long standing non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu recites with explanations to others the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the fourth thing that conduces to the long standing non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching.

Again, bhikkhus the bhikkhu thinks and thinks discursively and penetratingly sees the Teaching that he has heard and understood. This is the fifth thing that conduces to the long standing, non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching. Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the long standing, non-confusion and non-disappearance of the good Teaching.

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