Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Pavarana Sariputta


Pavāraṇā (SN 8.7)

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the Pubba monastery, with about five hundred bhikkhus, all worthy ones, in the palace of Migara's mother in Sàvatthi.

2. On that full moon day, the Blessed One was seated in open space surrounded by the Community of bhikkhus for the ceremony to end the rains.

3. The Blessed One looking at the silent Community of bhikkhus addressed them:

4. "Bhikkhus, this is the end of the rains. Have you any blames for my bodily or verbal activities."

5. Then venerable Sàriputta got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said:"Venerable sir, there is no blame for the Blessed One for any bodily or verbal activities. The Blessed One is the founder of the path, that had not arisen, that was not known and was not declared. The Blessed One knows the path and is clever in the path, the disciples at present live following the Blessed One. Venerable sir, I too inform the Blessed One to end the rains. Has the Blessed One any blames for my bodily and verbal activities?"

6. "Sàriputta, I do not blame you for any bodily or verbal activities. Your wisdom, is deep, has a wide spread out, is with mirth, comes at the right moment, is sharp and is with penetration. The eldest son of the Universal Monarch rolls the wheel rolled by the father righteously. In the same manner, you righteously continue rolling the wheel of the Teaching set rolling by me."

7. "Venerable sir, the Blessed One does not blame me for any bodily or verbal activities. Venerable sir, the Blessed One does not blame these five hundred bhikkhus too for any bodily or verbal activities."

8. "Sàriputta, these five hundred bhikkhus too have no blame for any bodily or verbal activity. Sixty of them are endowed with the threefold knowledge. Sixty of them with deep six fold knowledge. Sixty are released both ways. The others are released wisely seeing.

9. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said:

10. "Venerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me."

11. The Blessed One said "Vaïgãsa, say it."

12. Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:

"On this fifteenth day of the full moon, five hundred purified bhikkhus, have gathered.
They are sages bonds cut, unconfused and rebirth destroyed.
Like a universal monarch and ministers who have reached land after crossing the ocean.
The victorious, noble, caravan leader is associated by the disciples.
They are versed in the threefold knowledge, have left behind death.
Idlers are not evident, all have destroyed craving. I worship you, the relation of the sun.

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