Sariputta | Suttapitaka | First on selfishness Sariputta

First on selfishness

Macchariya 1 (AN 5.239)

Bhikkhus, the monastery bhikkhu endowed with five things is in hell as though led and lain there. What five?

He is selfish of dwellings, families, gains and beauty. Belittles something offered out of faith Bhikkhus, the monastery bhikkhu endowed with these five things is in hell as though led and lain there.

Bhikkhus, the monastery bhikkhu endowed with five things is in heaven as though led and lain there. What five?

Is not selfish of dwellings, families, gains or beauty. Does not belittle something offered out of faith Bhikkhus, the monastery bhikkhu endowed with these five things is in heaven as though led and lain there.

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