Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Young Man Bhadrāvudha’s Questions Sariputta

Young Man Bhadrāvudha’s Questions

Bhadrāvudha­māṇava­pucchā (Snp 5.13)

“The home-leaver, the craving-cutter, the unmoved one,” said venerable Bhadrāvudha,
“the enjoyment-leaver, the flood-crosser, the free one,
the speculation-leaver, the intelligent one—him I beg,
after hearing the Strong One, they will go away from here.
“Various people have come from the countries,
and are waiting for your saying, O hero,
you must explain the Teaching properly to them,
for this Teaching has been understood by you.”
“You must remove all attachment to craving, Bhadrāvudha,” said the Gracious One,
“above, below, and across the middle,
for with whatever they are attached to in the world,
with just that Māra follows a man.
“Therefore knowing this, the mindful monk should
not be attached to anything in the whole world,
seeing that with what is called attachment to clinging,
these people are clinging to the realm of Death.”

The Young Man Bhadrāvudha’s Questions are Finished

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