Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Siri­mitta Sariputta


Siri­mittat­thera­gāthā (Thag 8.2)

Without anger or resentment,
Without deceit, and rid of slander,
Such a monk, poised,
Doesn’t sorrow after death.
Without anger or resentment,
Without deceit, and rid of slander,
A monk with sense doors guarded,
Doesn’t sorrow after death.
Without anger or resentment,
Without deceit, and rid of slander,
A monk of good virtue
Doesn’t sorrow after death.
Without anger or resentment,
Without deceit, and rid of slander,
A monk with good friends
Doesn’t sorrow after death.
Without anger or resentment,
Without deceit, and rid of slander,
A monk of good wisdom,
Doesn’t sorrow after death.
Whoever has faith in the Tathāgata,
That is unshakable and firmly established,
Whose ethics are good,
Pleasing to the noble ones, and praiseworthy,
Who has confidence in the Saṅgha,
And whose vision is straight—
They’re called “free from poverty”;
Their life is not wasted.
Therefore a wise person would devote themselves
To faith, virtue,
Confidence, and the vision of Dhamma,
Remembering the teaching of the Buddhas.

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