Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Five senses Sariputta

Five senses

Pañ­cāyata­na­kamma­nib­bat­ta­pañha (Mil 3.4 3)

The king said: ‘Are the five Āyatanas, Nāgasena, (eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body,) produced by various actions, or by one action?’ (that is, the result of various Karmas, or of one Karma.)
‘By various actions, not by one.’
‘Give me an illustration.’
‘Now, what do you think, O king? If I were to sow in one field five kinds of seed, would the produce of those various seeds be of different kinds?’
‘Yes, certainly.’
‘Well, just so with respect to the production of āyatanas.’
‘Very good, Nāgasena!’

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