Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Uttarā (2nd) Sariputta

Uttarā (2nd)

Uttarātherīgāthā (Thig 7.1)

“Taking a pestle,
young men pound corn.
Supporting partners and children,
young men acquire wealth.

Work at the Buddha’s bidding,
you won’t regret it.
Having quickly washed your feet,
sit in a discreet place to meditate.

Establish the mind,
unified and serene.
Examine conditions
as other, not as self.”

“After hearing her words,
the instructions of Paṭācārā,
I washed my feet
and retired to a discreet place.

In the first watch of the night,
I recollected my past lives.
In the middle watch of the night,
I purified my clairvoyance.

In the last watch of the night,
I shattered the mass of darkness.
I rose up master of the three knowledges:
your bidding has been done.

I shall abide honoring you
as the thirty gods honor Sakka,
undefeated in battle.
Master of the three knowledges, I am free of defilements.”

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