Sariputta | Suttapitaka | Upacālā Sariputta


Upacālātherīgāthā (Thig 7.3)

“A nun with faculties developed,
mindful, seeing clearly,
I penetrated that peaceful state,
which sinners do not cultivate.”

“Why don’t you approve of rebirth?
When you’re born, you get to enjoy sensual pleasures.
Enjoy the delights of sensual pleasure;
don’t regret it later.”

“Death comes to those who are born;
and when born they fall into suffering:
the chopping off of hands and feet,
killing, caging, misery.

But there is one born in the Sakyan clan,
an awakened champion.
He taught me the Dhamma
for passing beyond rebirth:

suffering, suffering’s origin,
suffering’s transcendence,
and the noble eightfold path
that leads to the stilling of suffering.

After hearing his words,
I happily did his bidding.
I’ve attained the three knowledges
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

Relishing is destroyed in every respect,
and the mass of darkness is shattered.
So know this, Wicked One:
you’re beaten, terminator!”

The Book of the Sevens is finished.

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